"For tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today."
African proverb
Legal specialist in providing Later Life estate planning solutions and advising vulnerable clients.

Deputyship Order
Do you need to make important decisions on behalf of a loved one?
If you need to make financial or welfare decisions on behalf of someone who lacks the capacity to decide for themselves, the Court of Protection may grant you a Deputyship Order. If applying for a Deputyship Order is appropriate, I can support you in understanding the information, completing the forms and making the application.
When is a Deputyship Order necessary?
A Deputyship Order empowers a person (the deputy) to make important financial and/or welfare decisions on behalf of a relative or close friend who lacks mental capacity to make those decisions. A financial Deputyship Order is not normally needed if a financial Lasting or Enduring Power of Attorney is already in place.
Deputies are appointed by the Court of Protection through a court order which specifies what a deputy can and cannot do. Evidence of a lack of capacity will have to be obtained as part of the application process..
Deputies report to and are supported by the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG).
Two types of Deputyship Order
There are two types of Deputyship Order, and you can apply for one or both of them:
- Property and financial affairs. This Deputyship Order can enable you to pay bills, manage pensions and perform other practical duties on behalf of your friend or relative.
- Personal welfare. This Deputyship Order can enable you to make decisions about your friend or relative's medical treatment, healthcare and welfare. It is normally only approved when, in the court’s opinion, there are doubts that such decisions will be made in the person's best interests (for example, where there are family disagreements over care or fears of abuse).

Supporting you through your application
With so much at stake, applying for a Deputyship Order can be daunting. Once we've determined a Deputyship Order is appropriate, I will guide you through the process.
Protecting the vulnerable
As a specialist in advising vulnerable clients, I understand how important it is that your loved one has their best interests provided for.
Avoid frustrations
If your Deputyship Order application is incomplete or lacking in important detail, you may incur aborted costs and delays. I can check your application is appropriate, putting your mind at rest.
Speaking up for the ones you love
By definition, someone who is deemed to lack mental capacity is vulnerable. I understand how important it is that those who truly have that person's best interests at heart are able to make sensitive and often life-changing decisions for them.
By supporting you through your Deputyship Order application, I can give you the best chance of securing the court’s approval.